Saturday, March 16, 2013

Mini Breakfast sandwich

What you need:
1 package bisquick cheese garlic biscuit mix
6-7 eggs
1 package steam in bag spinach
1.5 cups shredded "authentic mexican cheese" mix
Red cayenne pepper to taste
Garlic powder to taste
Onion powder to taste
6 strips bacon

Not gonna lie super easy.
Mix the cheese and spices. Set aside.
Make the biscuits while you Steam the spinach. While they're baking/steaming, make the omelet and bacon.
Cut the bacon into 4 segments. Fry in pan.
To make the omelet: mix all the eggs and pour into a greased pan on LOW. Put a lid on the egg. When its ALMOST cooked and just the top is wet, flip it and coat with the cheese and what should by this time be cooked spinach and replace lid until egg is cooked/cheese is melted.
Cut the biscuits in half lay a segment of bacon. Cut a piece off omelet and place on top bacon then one or two more bacon segments and the top biscuit piece.
Boom, sandwich.

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