Saturday, March 16, 2013


So my friend and I may have gone overboard with the new donut maker....

We learned you CAN use cake mix in the Babycakes donut maker BUT use:
• 2 cups of the cake mix
• 1/2 cup water
• 4 Tbsp melted butter
• 1 egg
Mix just until lumps are gone (do NOT over mix)
Fill donut cavity to 85-90% full and cook 3-5 minutes depending on mix.

*Now if you're using JIFFY brand mix. You don't need to alter the recipe. It will work perfect as is! Cook 3 minutes.*

•~•~• We have (from top-bottom, left-right):
•Cornbread w/ jelly glaze
•Strawberry w/ vanilla glaze
•Funfetti w/ vanilla glaze
•Banana w/ chocolate glaze and choco-chips

Mini Breakfast sandwich

What you need:
1 package bisquick cheese garlic biscuit mix
6-7 eggs
1 package steam in bag spinach
1.5 cups shredded "authentic mexican cheese" mix
Red cayenne pepper to taste
Garlic powder to taste
Onion powder to taste
6 strips bacon

Not gonna lie super easy.
Mix the cheese and spices. Set aside.
Make the biscuits while you Steam the spinach. While they're baking/steaming, make the omelet and bacon.
Cut the bacon into 4 segments. Fry in pan.
To make the omelet: mix all the eggs and pour into a greased pan on LOW. Put a lid on the egg. When its ALMOST cooked and just the top is wet, flip it and coat with the cheese and what should by this time be cooked spinach and replace lid until egg is cooked/cheese is melted.
Cut the biscuits in half lay a segment of bacon. Cut a piece off omelet and place on top bacon then one or two more bacon segments and the top biscuit piece.
Boom, sandwich.

Friday, March 15, 2013

My recent purchase

So this week I went to kohls where they had on sale something wonderful....

A mini donut maker.
I bought it so hard it didn't know what hit it.
Iva had it inly a few days an already ideas for new recipes are running through my head!! Macha donuts, the "strawberry shortcake", "the captain sparrow", the "pinkypie", the "Lady Death"
Ready your faces internet.

Street Fighter Cocktails

Recently saw this inline and thought it was appropriate for here. All cons need good cocktails so prepare for plenty more themed drinks!

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Mille Feuille!

Mille-feuille Napoleon
Pate feuilletee (Folded pie crust):
Flour (medium flour 7 : weak flour 3) 500g
Salt 12.5g
Cold water 225cc
Melted butter (unsalted) 125g
Butter to be folded (unsalted, 1cm-thick) 250g
Creme patissiere (Custard cream):
Milk 250cc
Vanilla stick 1/4
Egg yolks 4
Sugar 60g
Weak flour 20g

Creme chantilly:
Heavy cream 250g
Powdered sugar 20g 
Folded pie crust
  1. Combine the flour and salt in a bowl, and add the water and melted butter. Knead the dough into a ball. Do not knead too much.
  2. Wrap the dough in a sheet of plastic wrap and place it in a refrigerator for 1 E 2 hours.
  3. Flatten the dough to a square just large enough to fold the butter in. Position the butter at 45 degrees to the perimeter of the dough, and fold the four corners to cover it.
  4. Roll out the dough to three times its length, then fold it in three.
  5. Wrap the dough in a sheet of plastic wrap and place it in a refrigerator for another hour.
  6. Roll the dough in a direction different than the last time to three times its length, then fold it in three. Repeat the same procedure 5 times.
  7. Roll the dough flat into a 2mm-thick square. Place it on a baking pan, put weight over it and bake in an oven at 2000C to make thin pie crust.

Custard cream
  1. Combine the milk, vanilla stick (cut open) and sugar (take a small amount from that used for the cream) in a pan and bring to a boil.
  2. Beat the egg yolks, add the remaining sugar and stir until the mixture turns somewhat white. Add (1) and mix well, then strain.
  3. Put the mixture back into the pan and continue stirring with a wooden spatula while cooking until it thickens.
  4. Spread the cream in a thin square pan and tightly cover the surface with a sheet of plastic wrap. Place the pan over ice water to cool the cream.

Creme chantilly
  1. Combine the heavy cream and powdered sugar and whip it into soft peaks.

Roasted almond slices
  1. Lightly toast the almond slices in an oven.

Apricot jam
  1. Heat it in a pan to remove any lumps and to make it easier to apply.

Pistachio nuts
  1. Boil the pistachio nuts for 1-2 minutes and remove the shells. Dry and slice.

Assembly and Finish
  1. Cut the pie crust into three 26cm x 8cm rectangular pieces.
  2. Squeeze out some custard cream on one piece of crust and place half-cut strawberries over it.
  3. Thinly spread some more custard cream over the strawberries and top with another piece of pie crust. Repeat procedures (2) and (3).
  4. Stick the almond slices on the sides. Place strawberries on top and then apply the apricot jam over them.
  5. Sprinkle pistachio slices on top and squeeze out the creme chantilly along the wider two edges.

I LOVE this recipe, I've made it twice now and each time it gets better, of all the napoleons I've tried creating THIS one was my fave :)

Friday, November 18, 2011

Hong Kong Mango Pudding

For my first recipe I'm gonna treat you guys to my favorite dessert <3  
Hong Kong Mango Pudding!

Prep Time: 15 minutes

Cook Time: 3 hours

Total Time: 3 hours, 15 minutes


  • 2 envelopes (2 tablespoons total) unflavored gelatin
  • 3/4 cup (175 mL) sugar
  • 1 cup (250 mL) hot water
  • 3 cups (750 mL) pureed fresh mangoes
  • 1 cup (250 mL) 2 percent evaporated milk
  • 8 ice cubes
  • lime wedges, optional
  • fresh mango slices for garnish, optional


Add gelatin and sugar to hot water and mix until dissolved and smooth.
In large bowl, mix mango puree, evaporated milk and ice cubes. Pour gelatin mixture into mango mixture and stir until ice cubes are melted.
Pour mixture into jelly mold and chill until set, at least 3 hours. To serve, dip jelly mold briefly in hot water then turn pudding out onto platter. Squeeze on some lime juice, garnish with mango slices if desired and serve. (Best eaten within a day). 

Serves 8.

**You like Jello? You like fruit? you like sweet creamy goodness? get on this level, it'll blow your mind, pour some sweetened condensed cream on top and BAM  it'll change your life. It might seem like an odd recipe with an odd topping but I swear to you its nothing short of delicious <3

Welcome to my Blog!

My name is Luna Rahzel! And I'm here to nerd up food from all over the world. I'll be posting on everything from Bento to Baklava, holiday treats, birthday bites, and nerdy noshes so get ready for a treat! As I travel I'll cook with friends and post on what they cook for a nerdy night in and I'll also answer any questions you might have when you try your own recipes :)  LET THE COOKING BEGIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIINNNNNN!